Middlesex Hospital successfully changes perceptions

Middlesex Hospital | a Smarter Choice for Care | Video by LFC-RX a Bay Area Medical Production Studio



Known as a quality & caring health center Middlesex Hospital in Connecticut was not top of mind for delivering complex care. The reality is that Middlesex Hospital does have competitive facilities, staff and technology capabilities but were somehow dogged with the perception of being a less sophisticated hospital.

The goal of this campaign was to change perceptions and show Middlesex Hospital to be the clear first choice for healthcare in the area, increase their market share and service line procedures.


At LFC-RX our by-line is: Medical Visuals Made Easy. That’s not to say that it’s always easy to create healthcare and medical art animations that carry the client’s message across a sustained campaign. That part takes work and the ability to visualize from a different perspective, sometimes in unconventional ways.

Common Thread, Missing Person and Innovation are part of a larger on-going campaign of commercials, print, outdoor media and digital content for that client. All created with a view to upping visibility in both the public arena and the media.

Opting for trailblazing graphics and by choosing the right partners to create their medical art animations and healthcare visualizations, Primacy, found an excellent way to make a splash in healthcare awards, which brought with it a cross pollination of media awareness and an uptick in public recognition.


Statistically the campaign achieved all of the initial goals and more. Middlesex Hospital is now recognized as fulfilling the campaign tagline: The Smarter Choice for Care, and the statistics speak for themselves.

  • 24% increase in overall web traffic
  • 107% increase in visits to the cancer center page
  • 38% increase in service line share of visit
  • 30% increase in top of mind awareness
  • 271% increase in ad recall

The Middlesex Hospital campaign was honored by more than a dozen awards collecting recognition by the industry each time it was entered. Among those awards are: Tellys, Pixies, MITX Awards, Connecticut Art Directors Club Awards and Connecticut Advertising Club Awards.